Unveiling the Secrets of Skull and Bones: A Guide to Attaining Ironwood Planks

In the vast maritime world of Skull and Bones, mastering the art of obtaining rare materials is essential for the advancement of your pirate career. One such prized resource is the Ironwood Plank, and while its uncommon status may suggest difficulty, acquiring it is a rewarding endeavor.

Locating Ironwood Planks

The Codex's Refined Materials section categorizes items into various rarities, and Ironwood Planks fall under the uncommon classification. However, their rarity is not an indication of their scarcity but rather the challenges posed in reaching specific regions where these planks can be found.

Venturing into the East Indies on the world map unveils a treasure trove of Ironwood Planks. The journey across stormy seas and treacherous tides is a prerequisite, opening doors to an abundance of this valuable resource.

Unlocking the Padewakang Blueprint

Skull and Bones offers a refreshing departure from the main story as players can enhance their Infamy through alternative means. As your pirate ascends the ranks, unlocking the Padewakang ship blueprint becomes a pivotal achievement. This mid-game vessel is a game-changer, and Ironwood Planks are the key to its construction.

To procure Ironwood, navigate the challenges of the Open Seas on the eastern side of the map, ultimately reaching the primary island structure of the East Indies. Here, both the Rempah and Dutch factions harbor the coveted Ironwood. Two methods prove effective in accumulating this resource:

Nonviolent Harvesting: Utilize the Codex to track Ironwood locations, scattered across the East Indies. Harvesting from trees offers a peaceful yet slower method of gathering up to 50 planks. Be cautious of rival players who may reach the locations before you.

Aggressive Approaches: For a quicker yield, engage in naval combat by attacking ships or bases containing Ironwood Planks, particularly focusing on the Lumberyards in the East Indies. Provoking factions through aggression may lead to temporary hostility, so choose this method judiciously based on your pirate's level.

When aiming to construct the Padewakang ship, prioritizing nonviolent methods for gathering Ironwood is recommended, as refining the wood at a Refinery proves more efficient than engaging in faction warfare at lower levels. Embark on this journey with strategy, and the prized Ironwood Planks will be the cornerstone of your pirate legacy in Skull and Bones.

Ready to set sail? Loot more Skull and Bones Items and Silvers in Skull and Bones! Enjoy the game.